The Turquoise Trail Studio Tour takes place the last two weekends in September — Sept 23-24 & Sept 30-Oct 1, from 10 am to 5 pm Saturday and Sunday. With 49 artists from Cedar Crest to Santa Fe along Highway 14, there’s something for everyone.
Join me at Studio 22 on the tour (circled in red on the map at the end of this post). I’ll be showing in my remodeled cargo container “Whitebox Contemporary”, which currently serves as both my studio and my gallery space. I will have approximately 20 new paintings on display. A selection of older works, works on paper, and wall sculptures will also be available for browsing.
For more information about the Turquoise Trail Studio Tour and the participating artists, visit their website: turquoisetrailstudiotour.com
THE HEAVEN OF MY EARTH, 48x60 inches, mixed media on canvas
Views from the land…
Whitebox Contemporary…
Turquoise Trail Studio Tour map. I’m Studio 22 on the tour, on the north side of Madrid.