These three paintings are inspired by the high desert, along the Turquoise Trail, in northern New Mexico …the cold glow of its moonlit nights, the warmth of its ever present sun, and the gentle beauty of its arid landscapes. It is not my intention to paint actual landscapes—I paint the experience of them, what it feels like to be in them—that interconnection between place and self.
Place is not simply a geographic location on a map. It is deeply tied to the personal histories that we carry with us, the culture/s that have influenced an area over time, and the natural environmental elements that make up its location. I strive to capture this in my work, and in that, my work becomes both conceptual and literal, taking on the uniqueness of a place—its sights, sounds, colors—that feeling of space, the sun warming your skin, the sound of a bee nearby, the blurry flash of a bird that just passes your gaze.